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COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines During the 2021 Summit of African Union Heads of State and Government

Emergency response operations


SAFETY WHEN TRAVELLING * All delegates should ensure that they have a negative COVID-19 test result before travelling. * Maintain physical distance of 1-2 metres from others at the airport and at all public places. * Observe personal hygiene always – regular washing of hands with soap and water or cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer. * Keep a portable bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you always to clean your hands anytime you touch surfaces that are used by other people. * Observe respiratory hygiene always – wear a face mask while at the airport and all through the flight. * Limit direct contact (or touch) with surfaces at the airport and in public places.

Resource Details
Africa CDC
42 Visits
Public Health Resources
Technical Report
Emergency response operations
Africa CDC Website
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