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Questions and answers on COVID-19 vaccine

Emergency response operations


When injected with the vaccine, the body responds to the germ proteins in the vaccine by producing specific antibodies that attach to the proteins and prepare the body to fight infection by the germ. When the real germ then infects the body, the antibodies attach to proteins on the surface of the germ and prevent it from attaching to the cells of the body, thus preventing an infection.In addition to the antibodies, some vaccines also stimulate the body to produce other kinds of immune cells that specifically target the germ to kill it.When the body makes an immune response to a vaccine or infection, it produces special memory cells that lay in wait for a reappearance of the same germ later. If the body is re-exposed to the same germ, the memory cells immediately start reproducing and produce antibodies and killer immune cells.

Resource Details
Africa CDC
30 Visits
Public Health Resources
Technical Report
Emergency response operations
Africa CDC Website
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