Africa Knowledge Management Portal

Informing health decisions and actions

Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin week 8, 17th - 23rd Feb 2020

Surveillance and reporting


This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at� district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health�surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis. In this issue, we bring you the following among others  National and district weekly surveillance reporting  Suspected epidemic prone diseases.  Ongoing (current) public health events (page 1)  Regional reporting rates  Public health events in border countries. Corona Viral Disease (COVID-19)  No case has been reported in Uganda  The National Task Force has been activated to enhance preparedness against COVID-19  Points of entry have been activated and screening is ongoing  High risk travelers are being followed and alerts verified  The nCorona surveillance strategy has been developed and disseminated.

Resource Details
Africa CDC
28 Visits
Public Health Resources
Surveillance and reporting
Ministry of Health-Uganda
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