Africa Knowledge Management Portal

Informing health decisions and actions

Nutrition and HIV/AIDS

Health Risk Environment
Food and Nutrition


The coexistence of high rates of malnutrition and HIV/AIDS in East and Southern Africa creates an additional challenge for nutritionists. Providing adequate nutrition at community and individual levels, even in the absence of HIV/AIDS, remains a problem. The new challenge calls for the acceleration of both short-term and longterm efforts to combat malnutrition and its effect on morbidity and mortality associated with HIV/AIDS. New capacities have to be developed and new resources sought. The Greater Horn of Africa Capacity Development Initiative in Nutrition (GHA-CDIN) has identified nutrition in the context of HIV/AIDS as an area of capacity development that urgently needs attention.

Resource Details
Africa CDC
31 Visits
Public Health Resources
Health Risk Environment
Food and Nutrition
Regional Center for Quality of Health Care
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