Africa Knowledge Management Portal

Informing health decisions and actions

Standard Operating Procedure for Health Information

Digital Health
Health Information Systems


Health Information System (HIS) is the processes and mechanisms through which health��related data is produced and made accessible to users, through networking within and outside the Health Sector. HIS has several sub��systems, each with specialized roles and responsibilities based on their comparative advantage. HIS sub��systems in Uganda comprise of Health Management Information system (HMIS), Integrated Disease Surveillance (IDSR), Vital Registration (VR) for births and deaths, National Health Accounts (NHA), Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Logistics Management Information System, Population��Based Information Systems, Community��Based Health Information System, Research��generated health information, administrative records.

Resource Details
Africa CDC
37 Visits
Public Health Resources
Technical Report
Digital Health
Health Information Systems
Ministry of Health-Uganda
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