Current Health Expenditure was 4,944 Billion UGX in financial year 2014/15 equivalent to US$ 1.7 Billion and which represents 1.1% of Gross Domestic Product and for financial year 2015/16 , the CHE was 5,309 billion UGX equivalent to US$ 1.8billion , The health expenditure per capita on average for the two years under study was US$ 51 reducing from US$ 56 in the previous NHA study mainly due to increase� population and devaluation of the Uganda Shillings (UGX). The CHE for both years in a row is much lower than the Minimum $84 per capita recommended by WHO(CME) if quality care is to be provided by any country in sub-Sahara African Countries. Over the same period, PPP(GDP) grew in nominal terms by 4.7% on average and in real terms from Ushs.76,727 Billion in 2014/15 to Ushs 86,549 Billion in 2015/16. Current health spending as a percentage of GDP was at 7.1% for 2014/15 and 7.4% for 2015/16.