Africa Knowledge Management Portal

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Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response Guidelines, August 2017

Health Systems
Maternal and Child Health


Globally, reduction of maternal and new born mortality remains a high priority in the Sustainable Development targets as unfinished MDG agenda. In 2013, about 0.3 million women died as result of pregnancy related causes. Sub-Saharan Africa alone contributed more than half of these deaths. Uganda is among those countries struggling with high maternal mortality rates at 336/100,000 live�births. Globally 2.7 million neonatal deaths and a similar number of still births occur. Neonatal mortality in Uganda is estimated to be 27 deaths per 1000 live births and accounts for 45% of the under-five mortality. Maternal and perinatal death reviews (MPDR) help to understand the circumstances around the death of a mother or newborn in order to identify factors contributing to death and then develop strategies to address them

Resource Details
Africa CDC
31 Visits
Public Health Resources
Health Systems
Maternal and Child Health
Ministry of Health
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