Africa Knowledge Management Portal

Informing health decisions and actions

January - March 2016 Facility Tracer Medicines Stock Status Report

Health Risk Environment


The quarterly report on the facility stock status of the 41 tracer items (in different baskets) provides information about the stock situation of health facilities in the country in order to inform the Ministry of Health and all stakeholders in their bid to make appropriate logistics decisions so as to ensure an effective health commodities supply chain. The report shows the number and percentages of facilities that are appropriately stocked, over stocked or under stocked by level of care and ownership based on Months of Stock (MOS). The MOS highlights the number of months a product will last based on the present consumption rate. It goes further to indicate the number that have over 8 months of stock (MOS) broken down by level of care and ownership. The report also shows the availability of the different baskets and overall using two indicators i.e. 1) Average percentage availability of a basket of 41 commodities based on all reporting facilities in the previous quarter Definition: Availability is measured as the number of days for which a specific commodity was in stock at the facility store during the reporting period. 2) Percentage of facilities that had over 95% availability of a basket of commodities in the previous quarter

Resource Details
Africa CDC
26 Visits
Public Health Resources
Technical Report
Health Risk Environment
Ministry of Health
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