Uganda has over the last three decades undertaken several administrative reforms in the public sector, designed mainly to improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. In the area of performance management, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to establish an effective performanc...
Weather Outlook for August, 2022 and Review of rainfall performance of June and July, 2022 over Uganda.
Introduction to IPC Standard Precautions presentation is part of the EVD IPC training materials for HC II and pharmacies, describing a practical, evidence-based approach which prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings with the primary goal of preventing patients and healthcar...
The Ministry of Health hereby presents the Statistical Abstract for the financial year 2008/09. It is a comprehensive summary of statistics generated from routine health management information system and health surveys in the sector. It gives highlights on morbidity and mortality status, health infr...
This Ministerial Policy Statement (MPS) was prepared within the context of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAP). In a participatory framework, the Health Sector Budget Working Group worked with respective votes to compile the sector performance for FY 2010/11 and identified the Sector priorities for FY 2...
Currently, 14 African nations have vaccinated 70 percent of their eligible population with the COVID 19 vaccine, according to the WHO Tanzania and São Tomé and Príncipe have fully vaccinated their populations, while Botswana has immunised 94 percent of theirs Mauritius, Seychelles, and Somalia have...
The 2009 Statistical Abstract is this year��s major annual publication from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. The abstract is part of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) efforts to support data user needs. The Bureau provides relevant, reliable and timely official statistics needed to support evidenc...
The 19th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 8 to 12 April 2013. The report was approved by the Committee on 1 October 2013. The purpose of the meeting was to review and update the 17th WHO Model List of Essentia...
As of 9 am EAT 26 May 2020, a total of 115,346 COVID-19 cases and 3,471 (CFR: 3%) deaths have been reported in 54 African countries. This is about 2% of all cases reported globally. Since the last brief (19 May 2020), 27,164 new COVID-19 cases have been reported, which is a 31% increase in new cases...
The Guide emphasises practical teaching, projects and acquisition of skills by the learner. The competences that learners are expected to acquire are clearly spelt out in each Module Unit covered in the Semester. ��You�� should ensure that learners are well versed with practical work. The teaching m...
Part One begins, in Chapter 1, by reviewing the dramatic decline in mortality in the 20th century. Income growth and improved educational levels - and consequent improvements in food intake and sanitation - have accounted for part of the mortality decline; but access to new knowledge, drugs and vacc...
This report presents the results of the community health worker rapid assessment conducted in 61districts of Uganda. The assessment was conducted between May and June 2016 to quickly develop a preliminary understanding of the community health worker situation in Uganda.
Article (23) of the Africa CDC Statute states that “In the execution of its strategic work plan, the Africa CDC will network and harness public health assets in each region including through its Regional Coordinating Centers (RCCs). The coordination and support of the RCCs is to ultimately bring int...
In this document, medical providers and practices are generally described as traditional, complementary/alternative, or allopathic. ��Provider�� and ��practitioner�� are used interchangeably. In a few cases, particularly in the European section, the cumbersome term ��non-allopathic physician�� is us...
Workplace refers to any situation or location where an individual is involved in meaningful employment to earn a living. It covers both the formal and ingormal places. The health sector is loaded with a wide variety of situations where health and safety issues are crucial. It also has a wide range o...
The PGD 2014 is a vital tool for dispensers and staff to use in their daily tasks of administering medicines. It provides information and instructions on medicines, such as general use, dosage, side effects, interactions, and use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The PGD also describes the dispens...
In 2007, the World Health Assembly passed a Resolution titled ��Better Medicines for Children��. This resolution recognized the need for research and development into medicines for children, including better dosage forms, better evidence and better information about how to ensure that medicines or t...
The purpose of this report is to inform the Ministry of Health and all stakeholders of the stock levels in the country as a tool that enables appropriate logistics decision making. This report highlights stock status, real challenges, bottlenecks but also recommends potential solutions to mitigate s...
This report was produced by an Independent Expert Group empowered by the Global Nutrition Report Stakeholder Group. The writing was a collective effort by the group members, led by the co-chairs and supplemented by additional analysts and contributors
Progress in cancer control has been uneven. In spite of known effective interventions, the burden of cervical cancer, for example, remains greatest in low- and middle-income countries, where progress has been the slowest. While there have been moderate improvements in age-standardized cancer mortali...