We are pleased to share our 41st weekly epidemiological bulletin for the year 2020. This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and respond...
• Impact de la crise soudanaise en République centrafricaine et au Tchad Après le déclenchement de la guerre au Soudan, un afflux de réfugiés soudanais et d’autres nationalités a été enregistré dans l’extrême-nord de la République centrafricaine (RCA), province de Vakaga ainsi que dans plusieurs pro...
We are pleased to share our 1st weekly epidemiological bulletin for the year 2021. This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and respondi...
The Uganda Clinical Guidelines (UCG) evolved from the National Standard Treatment Guidelines 1993, which were the first of the type published in Uganda. Before then, individual guidelines existed to manage a limited number of specific conditions. The purpose of national standard treatment guidelines...
The document titled What you should know about the 2019 novel Coronavirus Disease offers a comprehensive insight into Other, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa, Western...
Integrated Human Resources Information System (iHRIS) is a management tool that enables an organization to design and manage a comprehensive human resources strategy.�HRIS Manage helps an organization manage its workforce more effectively and efficiently
The 26th Health Sector JRM was organised on the 24th-25th November, 2020 by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with Health Development Partners, Cival Society and the Private Sector. The Theme of the JRM was '' Sustaining Health Care gains amidst the COVID-19 pandemic to achieve the Universal H...
These guidelines are developed to support the onboarding process of health workers, promote their levels of engagement and improve the rate of retention. This is against the background that the Ministry of Health planned to conduct massive recruitment at all levels of health service delivery. Curren...
A chairperson, co-chairperson, and secretary were elected to engage the task force members. Three technical working groups were constituted to lead the drafting of the three sections of the document: 1. HIE Policy directions 2. HIE Standards 3. Implementation Use CasesFollowing several virtual meeti...
The job aide is used to ring fence the minimum perimeter area once an Ebola case has been confirmed.� �This perimeter is defined either from the home of the case or�around the health facilities where the case was treated.
At the beginning of the outbreak in Guinea and Liberia, this event was graded as a Level 2 based on the Emergency Response Framework (ERF). On 24 July 2014, the Director-General took the decision, based on the ongoing severity of the outbreak and a report of a case travelling from Liberia to Nigeria...
Uganda��s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is currently estimated at 435/100,000 live births (Uganda Demographic and Health Survey [UDHS] 2005/6). This has declined from 527/100,000 live births estimated in 1990. The current maternal mortality ratio of 435 deaths per 100,000 live births translates to...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 133: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern...
This is an act to control the demand for the consumption of tobacco and its products, to control the supply of tobacco and its products to the population: to protect the environment from the effects of tobacco production and consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke.
Nearly half of the households are currently food insecure with either Borderline or Poor Food Consumption Score, mainly due to the lean season that has seen a decline in food stocks at household level and contributed to food price rises (therefore reducing economic ability to purchase food).
The world has made substantial progress in reducing child mortality in the past several decades. The total number of under-five deaths dropped to 5.6 (5.4, 6.0)1 million in 2016 from 12.6 (12.4, 12.8) million in 1990 - 15,000 every day compared with 35,000 in 1990. Globally, the under-five mortality...
The world has committed to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. How to reach this bold target within the Sustainable Development Goals is the central question facing the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS, to be held from 8 to 10 June 2016. The extraordinary accomplishmen...
The Government of Uganda (GoU) is committed to achieving results through the efficient and effective delivery of key public services, maintaining law and order and in facilitating the transformation of the economy to enable the private sector to flourish, to expand enterprise and ultimately ensure t...
This Ministerial Policy Statement (MPS), as in the case before, was prepared within the context of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAP). In a participatory framework, the Health Sector Budget Working Group worked with respective votes to compile the sector performance for FY 2009/10 and identified the Se...
The guidelines are based on principles of scientific evidence, cost-effectiveness�and prioritization of conditions to maximize the health benefit�with limited resources.�The regular update of clinical guidelines and essential medicines lists�is one of the key interventions in the Health Sector Devel...