Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has gained popularity within the global health policy and academic circles as countries strive to meet the UHC target established under the Sustainable Development Goal agenda. To accomplish this goal, developing countries such as Rwanda, Ghana and others have pursued...
This document is to provide guidance to Local Governments (LGs) for budgeting and implementation of Health Service Delivery activities, utilizing the Primary Health Care (PHC) grants and other Decentralized Health Grants in Financial Year (FY) 2023/24. These guidelines should also be used to prepare...
Since mid 1990��s, WHO and partners have provided technical support to a large number of African countries to promote rational use of antimalarial medicines, monitor medicine efficacy and update treatment policies. In Uganda, resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to Chlororoquine rose to unacceptable...
MPDSR emphasizes continuous�identification and reporting of maternal�and perinatal deaths including zero�for none registered and utilising�that information to facilitate Quality�Improvement (QI) processes. The national�MPDSR annual report FY 2022/23 is a result�of concerted efforts of health workers...
The workshop to review the third quarter health sector performance was held from 12th to 13th April 2010 at Golf Course Hotel in Kampala. The general Objective of the workshop was to review the performance of the Ministry of Health departments/Institutions against third quarter 2009/10 work-plan (Ja...
The study on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS among disabled persons was commissioned by Disabled Women��s Network and Resource Organisation (DWNRO), with support from Action Aid Uganda.� The study was conducted in Kampala, Katakwi and Rakai Districts.
PPE and Hand hygiene in the context of Ebola,�Current WHO recommendations for hand hygiene best practices in health care,�Systematic reviews on use of chlorine solutions; efficacy for hand hygiene and adverse events, Search Strategy, Outline of the Studies and Summary of the Studies
The Uganda Weekly Malaria status update is produced by National Malaria Control Program, WHO Country Office and Uganda Malaria Surveillance Project on a weekly basis to guide planning. This Status update uses weekly surveillance data
Reproductive and sexual health2 is fundamental to individuals, couples and families, and the social and economic development of communities and nations. Concerned about the slow progress made in improving reproductive and sexual health over the past decade, and knowing that the international develop...
The development, review and production of the National Condom Programming Strategy has been achieved through wide consultations with various stakeholders at National, District and Community levels. This activity was directed through the AIDS Control Programme (STD/ACP), in close collaboration with t...
Uganda��s total fertility, maternal mortality, and teenage pregnancy rates remain among the highest globally. To counter this and other preventable maternal health-related challenges, the�Ministry of Health developed the Family Planning Advocacy Strategy focusing on 14 advocacy�Issues identified thr...
Child mortality is a core indicator for child health and well-being. In 2000, world leaders agreed on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and called for reducing the under-five mortality rate by two thirds between 1990 and 2015 - known as the MDG 4 target.
Welcome to the 27th issue of the Malaria quarterly bulletin, which focuses on the second quarter of 2019. The aim of this bulletin is to inform district, national, and global stake-holders on progress achieved and challenges encountered in malaria control and reduction in Uganda. Most importantly, i...
Troisième Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Gabon (EDSG-III)
The HIV/AIDS epidemic is a global crisis and constitutes one of the most formidable obstacles towards sustainable development and social progress. In the most affected countries, the impact of HIV/AIDS poses a severe threat to every aspect of life, as it erodes decades of developmental gains and thr...
Uganda was one of the first sub-Saharan countries to be affected by the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. The first Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) case reported in the country was recognized in 1982. Following this report, efforts were mounted to deal with the epidemic. The ef...
The last 15 years have witnessed increasing global recognition of the importance of men��s involvement in RMNCAH-N, GBV/VAC, SRHR including HIV/TB. The urgency of encouraging men to take responsibility for their own SRH and their partner��s is gaining momentum. However, Uganda has not developed larg...
The attitudes of sexually active couples to contraception are shaped by various factors: prevailing social and cultural norms; their own assessment of the risks of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection; and their perce...
The burden of disease due to malaria in Uganda is unacceptably high and the resistance of the malaria parasites to Chloroquine (CQ) and Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine (SP) has aggravated the situation. Because of this, in May 2004, the Ministry of Health decided to change the malaria treatment policy fro...
An Act to consolidate, harmonize and update the law relating to occupational safety and health; to repeal the Factories Act, Cap 220 and to provide for connected matters.