The purpose of this document is to outline a concise, step-by-step process for developing a scaling up strategy. The rationale behind such an undertaking is twofold. First, strategic planning for the expansion and institutionalization of successfully tested health systems innovations is essential, b...
The document titled COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (25 May 2022) offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northe...
This report shows where we stand in 2006 in achieving these goals. The challenges the Goals represent are staggering. But there are clear signs of hope. The data on the following pages and other evidence suggest that providing every child with a primary school education is within our grasp.
An Act to provide for compulsory immunisation of children, women of reproductive age and other target groups against immunisable diseases; to establish the Immunisation Fund and to provide for other incidental matters
This weekly epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis. In this issue,...
Distribution in Africa Since the beginning of this year and as of 26 August 2024, a total of 22,863 cases (19,222 suspected; 3,641 Confirmed) and 622 deaths, Average CFR 2.06% (95%CI: 0-4.26%) of mpox have been reported from 13 Africa Union (AU) Member States (MS): Burundi, Cameroon, Central African...
The document titled Questions and answers on mask wearing offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa, We...
This list presents the minimum medicine needs for a basic health care system, listing the most efficacious, safe and cost-effective medicines for priority conditions. Priority conditions are selected on the basis of current and estimated future public health relevance, and potential for safe and cos...
Facility reporting rates are calculated based on the total number of active ART facilities as of 1st October 2019. An ART facility is considered active if it submitted at least one order and or report in the last twelve months. The reporting rates for this cycle were 99% for PNFP facilities, 90% for...
The purpose of this report is to inform the Ministry of Health and all stakeholders of the stock levels in the country as a tool that enables appropriate logistics decision making. This report highlights stock status, real challenges, bottlenecks but also recommends potential solutions to mitigate s...
As of 9 a.m. East African Time (EAT) 5 October 2021, a total of 8,343,967 COVID-19 cases and 212,484 deaths (CFR: 2.5%) have been reported in 55 African Union (AU) Member States. This represents 3.6% of all cases and 4.4% of all deaths reported globally. Twenty-seven (49%) AU Member States are repor...
As of 9 am EAT 16 June 2020, a total of 251,866 COVID-19 cases and 6,769 (CFR: 2.7%) deaths have been reported in 54 African countries. This is about 3.2% of all cases reported globally. Since the last brief (9 June 2020), 55,612 new COVID-19 cases have been reported, which is a 27% increase in new...
This National Health Accounts report describes the health care system from an expenditure perspective. The health expenditure data can be used to improve access, equity, efficiency, and financial risk protection as part of the national effort to bring services closer to the citizens and accelerate t...
This report, which concludes Phase 1 of the ABC/M application, provides a retrospective baseline of HIV costs for one year at four different costs levels: facility, community, client, and above-site.
The Adolescent Girls Multilevel Vulnerability Index (AGI) was developed based on a growing recognition of the need to channel resources to vital��yet highly vulnerable and vastly underserved��populations of adolescent girls in Uganda specifically, and the East and Southern Africa region in general....
Summary of the Malaria indicators for week 27 (4 July - 10 July 2022)
COVID-19 in Africa: Where we are today Africa has registered more than 11.7 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic. Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, and Tunisia are among countries with the highest number of cases on the continent. Meanwhile, only about 18% percent of the contine...
The Annual Health Sector Performance Report for 2011/12 Financial Year provides progress of the annual workplan as well as the overall health sector performance against the set targets for the Financial Year 2011/12 with a comparative analysis of the previous trends and progress towards achieving th...
This weekly epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakehold-ers at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, pre-venting and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis. In this issue...
The Health Sector Ministerial Policy Statement� (MPS) for FY 2020/21) has been developed through a consultative process involving the Central Government Ministries Health Sector Development Partners and the Sector Budget Working Group. The Ministry has aligned the sector outcomes for FY 2020/21 to t...