Keeping clean and disposing of human waste (feces and urine) are necessary for good health. If they are not taken care of in a safe way, our feces and urine can pollute the environment and cause serious health problems, such as diarrhea, worms, cholera, and bladder infections. Many of these problems...
In accordance with Rule 177 of the Rules of Procedure of Parliament, the Committee on Health examined the Policy Statement on the Health Sector for the Financial Year 2013/2014. In addition, the Committee examined, critically, the recurrent and capital budget estimates for the health sector for the...
The overall objective of this SEP is to define a program for stakeholder engagement, including public information disclosure and consultation throughout the entire project cycle. The SEP outlines approached in which MoH will communicate with stakeholders and includes a mechanism by which people can...
This is a Compact between the Government of Uganda (GoU) and its partners in the health sector for the purpose of maintaining policy dialogue, promoting joint planning, and effective implementation and monitoring of the Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) 2015/16 - 2019/20. The partners include He...
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda has had far reaching consequences not only for individuals, families and communities, but also for the country as a whole. In the education sector, the epidemic has emerged as a major threat to achieving Education for All (EFA) goals. The national success in the fight...
During Week 7 of 2017, the proportion of health facilities that reported was 81.3% reflecting a 7.8% increase in reporting rate in comparison to the same week in 2016. Only 11.2% (13/116) districts had 100% of their health facilities reporting and 61.2% (71/116) of the districts achieved the nationa...
The Financing of Palliative Care Services in Uganda was established for the funding of sources for palliative care services, the services provided and the financial sustainability plans.
The document titled AFRICAN REGIONAL BIOLOGICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT (Certified Professionals 2023) offers a comprehensive insight into Other, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Af...
These guidelines are issued by the Ministry of Health to�Local Governments to provide them with information that�is used during budgeting and implementation.
The document titled Guidance on Community Physical Distancing During COVID-19 Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Norther...
As of 6 p.m. East African Time (EAT) 9 October 2022, a total of 12,079,592 COVID-19 cases and 255,843 deaths (CFR: 2.1%) have been reported by the 55 African Union (AU) Member States (MS). This represents 2% of all cases and 4% of all deaths reported globally. Forty (73%) AU MS are reporting CFRs hi...
The Global Patient Safety Challenge with the theme ��Clean Care is Safer Care�� means working worldwide to assist countries to reduce the burden of health care associated infection. The challenges are enormous but so are the rewards: saving lives, improving patient safety, and making life better for...
Government exists to deliver quality and equitable services amidst increasing public expectations and growing fiscal pressures. One of the key aspects for the delivery of services is effective communication. The Forum of Directors, Commissioners and Under Secretaries observed that there was ineffect...
Facility reporting rates are calculated based on the total number of active ART facilities as of 1st October 2019. An ART facility is considered active if it submitted at least one order and or report in the last twelve months. The reporting rates for this cycle were 99% for PNFP facilities, 90% for...
All districts submitted at least one weekly surveillance report in week 35 of 2016. The proportion of health facilities that reported was 83.5% which represents a 33.3% increase in reporting rate in comparison to the same week in 2015. Since week 1 of 2016, there has been a steady national reporting...
The assessment tool guides the supervisors on how to assess each standard, indicates the means of verification and operational definition for each standard. It is where the supervisor shall record and score the performance of each health facility and record comments/notes to explain the level of per...
Uganda is currently using both a push (kit -based) and pull (order -based) system to supply essential medicines and health supplies (EMHS) to health facilities. Higher-level health facilities (Hospitals and Health Centres level (HCIV) utilize the pull system by requesting EMHS from the National Medi...
This assessment was conducted to assess the health and nutrition status in all the 53 IDP camps in former Gulu District. It covered all the 5 counties of former Gulu district which include; Omoro, Kilak, Nwoya, Aswa and Gulu Municipality.
1. Carnevale CR, Woldetsadik MA, Shiver A, Gutierrez M, Chhea C, Ilori E, Jani I, Ma-Cauley J, Mukonka V, Nsanzimana S, Ospina ML, Raji T, Spotts Whitney EA, Bratton S. Benefits and Challenges of Consolidating Public Health Functions into a National Public Health Institute: A Policy Analysis. Health...
Pre-Labour Rupture of Memranes