The document titled Responding to COVID-19 in Africa: Using data to find a Balance (Part II) offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, N...
The Standardisation Guide presents several digital health (DH) artefacts including; digital health Standards, digital health Enterprise Architecture Framework, digital health Workforce Capacity Building Framework, and digital health Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (DH-ASK). The DH-ASK artefacts...
Globally, reduction of maternal and newborn mortality remains a high priority in the post MDG agenda. In 2013, about 0.3 million women died as result of pregnancy related causes. Sub-Saharan Africa alone contributed more than half of these deaths. Uganda is among those countries struggling with high...
This weekly epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global level on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis.
Nine years have elapsed since the World Health Organization (WHO) published its first road map for neglected tropical diseases, which set targets for 2020. With exemplary country leadership and the continued support of industry and partners, we have been able to push back many of these diseases, bri...
The health sector comprises a number of votes responsible for different aspects of service delivery. The Ministry of Health (Vote 014) is the central agency in charge of policy analysis and formulation, strategic planning, provision of nationally coordinated services such as emergency preparedness,...
The 19th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 8 to 12 April 2013. The report was approved by the Committee on 1 October 2013. The purpose of the meeting was to review and update the 17th WHO Model List of Essentia...
This manual was developed over a period of three years through workshops and field-testing with important inputs from health programme managers in many developing countries. Financial and Technical support was provided by UNICEF.
No new country or territory is reporting cases for the first time but one country (Rwanda) is reporting deaths for the first time this week. The distribution of cumulative cases (proportion of global cases %) from the WHO reporting regions (excluding Africa) are as follows: Eastern Mediterranean Reg...
In response to this situation, the World Health Assembly (resolution 58.23 on ��Disability, including prevention, management and rehabilitation��) requested the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General to produce a World report on disability based on the best available scientific evidence. T...
The African continent is facing a health crisis occasioned by a number of factors that have affected the sector over the past two decades or more. These factors include the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the reemergence of old communicable diseases such as TB and Malaria, and the apparent paradox of increasing...
This report is on monitoring and evaluation of implementation of two Cabinet Directives under: Minute 317 (CT 2013) 3(1). The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries was directed to urgently issue an order prohibiting vending of loose milk in the country; and Minute 317 (CT 2013) 3(2)...
Essential Surgery reflects an increased emphasis on health systems relative to previous editions of Disease Control Priorities. This volume identifies 44 surgical procedures as essential on the basis that they address substantial needs, are cost-effective, and can feasibly be implemented. This chapt...
Reporting rate this week (87.8%) represents an about 10 percentage point increase from the previous week, 2019W7 (78%) There was a 6% increase reported malaria cases (100,336 in W6 vs. 106,503 this week. Key to note in this regard are net increases in Gomba, Butambala and Kyotera Districts which had...
The IPC Ring Approach Checklist presentation is an EVD IPC training material for HC II and pharmacies on how to rapidly mobilize teams to assist affected health facilities and the community in implementing IPC measures to�reduce Ebola transmission in a predetermined risk� area whenever a case is ide...
As of 9 am EAT 28 April 2020, a total of 33,273 COVID-19 cases and 1,467 (CFR: 4.4%) deaths have been reported in 52 African countries. Since the last brief, the number of COVID-19 cases has increased by 42% (9,768 cases). The five countries in Africa with the highest cumulative number of cases (pro...
The statistical brief is a Ministry of Health, weekly report on Malaria.
This document offers snapshots of the Madagascar GSF experience in CLTS to a wider audience. Madagascar had all usual national level challenges that generally block or slow down the pace of scaling up of CLTS. How these challenges have been� addressed and transformed into an apparently snowballing s...
The terms ��hygiene�� and ��sanitation�� can mean different things to different people. For the purposes of this document the term ��sanitation�� is used to refer to the management of human excreta. The term ��hygiene�� is used to refer to the behaviours/ measures, including but beyond the managemen...
This report presents results from a study of Uganda��s National Health Accounts for the Fiscal Year 1997/98.� The study set out to describe the flow of funds in Uganda��s healthcare system, including both public and private sectors.� Using a comprehensive view of the health sector and standard defin...