Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a popular global health policy agenda and particularly in Uganda, the health ambition is now aligned to the UHC target. This brief provides an understanding of UHC progress in Uganda, by examining healthcare coverage and equity based on reproductive, maternal, new-...
Despite major strides to improve the health of the population in the last 10 - 15 years, the health status of Ugandans remains relatively poor with high morbidity and mortality from preventable causes. The National Population and Housing Census 2014 show a life expectancy of 63.3 years and under fiv...
The Project Developmental Objective of EAPHLNP is to establish a network of efficient, high quality and accessible public health laboratories for diagnosis and surveillance of tuberculosis and other communicable diseases in the East African region.
Anti-Retroviral Therapy Supervision Performance and Recognition Strategy (ART SPARS) Supervision tool Form Version 2.0 | 20181112. The tool contains ��Guidelines on how to use the Anti-Retroviral Therapy SPARS Supervision tool��
The pre-eclampsia interventional framework will provide a basis for tracking implementation and assessment of achievements against targets, with the overall aim of reducing the maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality due to pre-eclampsia. The framework has been designed to provide updated, pra...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 47: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
The global AIDS response is at a precarious point��partial success in saving lives and stopping new HIV infections is giving way to complacency. At the halfway point to the 2020 targets, the pace of progress is not matching the global ambition. This report is a wake-up call��action now can still put...
These guidelines outline the composition, roles, responsibilities, and management of the proceedings of the Health Unit Management Committees for Health Centre IVs in Uganda.
Uganda, for the period 2010-2020, recorded a tremendous improvement in the fight against the HIV and AIDS epidemic. It is among the (08) countries in the world that had fully achieved the 90-90-90 targets by the end of 2020, the others being Eswatin, Switzerland, Rwanda, Qatar, Botswana, Slovenia an...
Everyone hopes for a good death, or rather, ��a good life to the very end��1, but until recently there was little dedicated effort and investment to provide the resources and education that would make that possible. Public engagement and policy interventions to improve the quality of death through...
The World report on ageing and health responds to these challenges by recommending equally profound changes in the way health policies for ageing populations are formulated and services are provided. As the foundation for its recommendations, the report looks at what the latest evidence has to say a...
Problems related to the safety and quality of drugs exist in many places around the world today, in developing and developed countries alike. Some incidents have ended in tragedy, often with children as the victims. They are caused by the use of drugs containing toxic substances or impurities, drugs...
Universal health coverage, with full access to high-quality services for health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, palliation and financial risk protection, cannot be achieved without evidence from research. Research has the power to address a wide range of questions about how we can...
An Act to protect the privacy of the individual and personal data by regulating the collection and processing of personal information; to provide for the rights of the persons whose data is collected and the obligations of data collectors, data processors and data controllers; to regulate the use or...
This revised manual provides an update on those and other areas and pays special attention to the key role of the district TB/leprosy supervisors (DTLS). It provides guidance on how the district TB and leprosy supervisor (DTLS) function relates to the health facility staff on the one hand and the he...
The 2011 Uganda AIDS Indicator survey is a nationally representative, population-based, HIV Serological survey. The survey was designed with the objective of obtaining national and Sub-national of program coverage, such as knowledge, attitudes, and sexual behavior related to HIV/AIDS. Data collectio...
Despite its devastating impact on the lives of girls and women, obstetric fistula is still largely neglected in the developing world. It has remained a ��hidden���condition, because it affects some of the most marginalized members of the population��poor, young, often illiterate girls and women in r...
The Ministry of Health launched the Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan 2010/11 - 2014/15 which defines the medium term health agenda and operationalize Uganda��s aspirations as outlined in the NDP and the Public Investment Plan (PIP) 2010/11 - 2012/13. The development of M&E Plan for HSSIP...
Uganda has over the last three decades undertaken several administrative reforms in the public sector, designed mainly to improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. In the area of performance management, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to establish an effective performanc...
This guide is designed as a simple and practical tool to help District Health Managers elaborate a realistic District level plan to reduce improper disposal of waste from injection activities.