The purpose of this roll out plan document is to roll out the 15 year HRH Strategic Plan and align Human Resources for Health documents to ensure easy and implementation within manageable activities in a given period. It addresses a number of salient Human Resources for Health issues, identified thr...
As of 9 am EAT 14 July 2020, a total of 610,807 COVID-19 cases and 13,456 (CFR: 2%) deaths have been reported in 54 African countries. This is 5% of all cases reported globally. Since the last brief (2020), 118,183 new COVID-19 cases have been reported, which is a 24% increase compared to the 7 July...
As of 9 am EAT 23 June 2020, a total of 315,410 COVID-19 cases and 8,334 (CFR: 2.7%) deaths have been reported in 54 African countries. This is 3.6% of all cases reported globally. Since the last brief (16 June 2020), 63,544 new COVID-19 cases have been reported, which is a 25% increase compared to...
The document is a comparative analysis and documentation of the processes that have enabled teams to implement HMM in various settings. It complements other WHO publications on the subject (WHO, 2004, 2005) in that it focuses on the processes, challenges, and lessons learnt in implementing the HMM s...
Importance of a One Health approach ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Role of Africa CDC and national public health institutes in improving public health …………. 5 Purpose of this One Health framework …………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Section 1: Goals, objectives, and activities ………………………………………...
HSDP 2015/2016-2019/2020 is an ambitious plan that aims for reaching all in Uganda with quality services, with a focus on control of infectious diseases and reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. The IHP+ Joint Assessment of National Strategies (JANS) flagged the gap between ambition and...
The serious consequences of malaria in pregnancy are attributed to the sequestration of malaria parasites in the placenta, leading to impeded trans-placental nutrient transport. This, combined with malaria-induced anaemia, compromises foetal growth and results in low birth weight and a subsequent in...
At the Ministry of Health, Kenya, our vision for our beloved country reflects a Healthy, Productive and globally-competitive nati...
The World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) met in Geneva from 16 to 20 October 2017.Dr Suzanne R. Hill, acting Assistant Director of the Health Systems and Innovation Cluster and Director of the Department of Essential Medicines and...
The document titled Finding the Balance: Public Health and Social Measures in Tunisia offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern...
This Weekly Malaria Report is a representation of the different malaria activities across the various administrative levels of the health sector.
The proportion of health facilities that reported during week 51 was 71.1% reflecting depicting a 11.6% decline in reporting rate in comparison to the same week in 2015. Only 10% (12/116) districts had 100% of their health facilities reporting and 36.2% (42/116) of the districts achieved the nationa...
The Statistical Abstract is an annual publication compiled by Uganda Bureau of Statistics, which provides the statistical summary on various socio-economic indicators for Uganda. Some figures in this edition may vary from those in the earlier editions due to the updates. Note that most of the 2012 a...
This publication is about how to make safe blood especially for tranfusion. Making blood free of contegious diseases like HIV/AIDS thus reducing the risk of transmitting such diseases.
The Annual Health Sector Performance Report (AHSPR) highlights progress, challenges, and lessons learnt and proposes mechanisms for improvement. The report focuses on the progress in implementation of commitments in the Ministerial Policy Statement, overall sector performance against the targets se...
These guidelines are developed to support the onboarding process of health workers, promote their levels of engagement and improve the rate of retention. This is against the background that the Ministry of Health planned to conduct massive recruitment at all levels of health service delivery. Curren...
The document titled COVID-19 Guidance for Educational Sector offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa,...
Contaminated linen poses a risk of infection and should only be handled in personal protective equipment (PPE). Linen and laundry management presentation is an EVD IPC training material for Health facilities and pharmacies.
An Act to provide for compulsory immunisation of children, women of reproductive age and other target groups against immunisable diseases; to establish the Immunisation Fund and to provide for other incidental matters
The document titled COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (06 July 2022) offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, North...