COVID-19 in Africa: Where we are today Africa has registered more than 11.7 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic. Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, and Tunisia are among countries with the highest number of cases on the continent. Meanwhile, only about 18% percent of the contine...
The final draft re-aligned structure of the Ministry was presented to the Senior Top�Management Team and members of the Senior Management Team on 6th��January 2017, and�the final draft re-aligned structure was approved with changes. �The structure was finalized�based on final changes from the Senior...
OTC provides home-based treatment and rehabilitation for clients who are severely, acutely malnourished but have appetite and are free of medical complications. This session will describe issues including criteria for entry and exit, activities in the OTC, link with other Care and planning and setti...
HIV Counseling Supervision is a crucial component of any HIV/AIDS counseling or care and support service. It provides a way to support counselors and to address clients�� needs while at the same time upholding the professional practice of counseling around the globe. Supervision is an excellent oppo...
The purpose of this HRH Strategic plan is therefore to provide a framework for planning, developing and managing a well-performing health workforce in Uganda. It relates the health workforce with the current and future health needs, with emphasis on improved effectiveness and efficiency in the use o...
The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) Biosafety and Biosecurity Initiative was launched by the Africa CDC in April 2019 with the aim of strengthening the African Union (AU) Member States’ biosafety and biosecurity systems and enabling them to comply with national and int...
The Statistical Abstract is an annual publication compiled by Uganda Bureau of Statistics, which provides the statistical summary on various socio-economic indicators for Uganda. Some figures in this edition may vary from those in the earlier editions due to the updates. Note that most of the 2015 a...
Welcome to the AIho Facility List Master Facility List database, a comprehensive repository of healthcare facility information across all African countries. This platform allows users to explore and analyze key statistics on healthcare infrastructure across the continent.For each country i...
Welcome to the AIho Facility List Master Facility List database, a comprehensive repository of healthcare facility information across all African countries. This platform allows users to explore and analyze key statistics on healthcare infrastructure across the continent.
For each country i...
National statistical report on the malaria events of Epi Week 7, 2024.
Promoting and protecting health is essential to human welfare and sustained economic and social development. This was recognized more than 30 years ago by the Alma-Ata Declaration signatories, who noted that Health for All would contribute both to a better quality of life and also to global peace an...
An Act to provide for compulsory immunisation of children, women of reproductive age and other target groups against immunisable diseases; to establish the Immunisation Fund and to provide for other incidental matters
The document titled COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 12 May 2020 offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern...
The document titled Finding the Balance: Public Health and Social Measures in Mozambique offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, North...
The essential role of epidemiology is to improve the health of populations. This textbook provides an introduction to the basic principles and methods of epidemiology. It is intended for a wide audience, and to be used as training material for professionals in the health and environment fields.
The assessment tool guides the supervisors on how to assess each standard, indicates the means of verification and operational definition for each standard. It is where the supervisor shall record and score the performance of each health facility and record comments/notes to explain the level of per...
This report provides sound evidence that urban areas are being exposed increasingly to pests and (through them) to pest-related diseases. This multi-faceted problem of increasing exposure entails environmental, structural, institutional, regulative, managerial, financial, scientific and climatic asp...
This document summarizes the evidence for effective action, and encourages policy makers and programmers to turn concern and commitment into effective and sustainable action. It is based on an understanding that HIV infects people when they are young, but AIDS affects and kills people at an age when...
The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared to guide COVID-19 outbreak response activities. This ESMF outlines the framework and mechanisms for environmental and social impact screening, determining extent of required environmental assessment and assessment of environm...
The Acute Care including IDU management and Chronic HIV Care with ARV Therapy and preventionincluding IDU/HIV Co-management guidelines modules, including Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST )based on methadone or burprenorphine, can be used only after national adaptation. The guidelinesmodules need to...
Essential environmental health standards in health care contains guidelines for setting standards of safety conditions to provide adequate health care. This document also recommends measures for minimizing the risk of health care-associated diseases for patients, staff and carers.3 These guidelines...