Investment in health systems so that they are able to extend coverage of health services to the world��s poor populations is increasingly recognized as an important contributor to saving lives, reducing poverty, spurring economic development and promoting global security (Commission on Macroeconomic...
“The most trying time for the continent was when we knew what to do in terms of diagnostics but didn’t have the tools and capacity to do them,” said Dr John Nkengasong, Director of Africa CDC. Africa CDC stepped in immediately, partnering with the WHO and other organizations to convene the first con...
Both donor agencies funding HIV control programmes, and government agencies trying to bring about changes need to know whether their efforts are having an impact.
Sex workers in many places are highly vulnerable to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections due to multiple factors, including large numbers of sex partners, unsafe working conditions and barriers to the negotiation of consistent condom use. Moreover, sex workers often have little control over...
The Carter Center River Blindness Elimination Program held its 21st annual review, March 27-29, 2017 at its Atlanta headquarters. The review focused on the 2016 RBEP achievements, challenges, and operational research and provided recommendations for 2017 activities in each of the RBEP assited countr...
Reporting rate this week (77.8%) is a marginal rise from 75.7% in the previous week, 2019W5.There was a further 9% drop in reported malaria cases (96,488 this week vs. 105,566 in W5)�There was marginal drop in malaria incidence. As was last week, Adjumani (13 cases) & Moyo (18 cases) Districts repor...
This manual was developed for use within Uganda and to support Uganda government policies. Facilitators using this manual should be trained HIV counselors or HIV Counselor trainers who are recognized by the Ministry of Health, TASO, SCOT, MildMay, AIC and from any other recognized AIDS Service organ...
As of 9 a.m. East African Time (EAT) 5 October 2021, a total of 8,343,967 COVID-19 cases and 212,484 deaths (CFR: 2.5%) have been reported in 55 African Union (AU) Member States. This represents 3.6% of all cases and 4.4% of all deaths reported globally. Twenty-seven (49%) AU Member States are repor...
The document titled Report on the Virtual joint Meeting of African Ministers of Health, ICT and Transport offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, East...
The Standardisation Guide presents several digital health (DH) artefacts including; digital health Standards, digital health Enterprise Architecture Framework, digital health Workforce Capacity Building Framework, and digital health Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (DH-ASK). The DH-ASK artefacts...
The assessment tool guides the supervisors on how to assess each standard, indicates the means of verification and operational definition for each standard. It is where the supervisor shall record and score the performance of each health facility and record comments/notes to explain the level of per...
This study follows on from the 2002 study entitled WTO Agreements and Public Health: A Joint Study by the WHO and the WTO Secretariat. This earlier study examined the linkages between trade and health policies in general to enable trade officials and health officials to better understand and monitor...
The prevalence of infant and young child obesity is increasing in all countries, with the most rapid rises occurring in low- and middle-income countries. The number of overweight or obese young children globally increased from 31 million in 1990 to 42 million in 2015. In the African Region alone ove...
PPE and Hand hygiene in the context of Ebola,�Current WHO recommendations for hand hygiene best practices in health care,�Systematic reviews on use of chlorine solutions; efficacy for hand hygiene and adverse events, Search Strategy, Outline of the Studies and Summary of the Studies
In order to properly guide Member States, the Africa Regulatory Taskforce has developed a framework ( for market authorisation of COVID-19 vaccines, which include three...
The Uganda Clinical Guidelines (UCG) evolved from the National Standard Treatment Guidelines 1993, which were the first of the type published in Uganda. Before then, individual guidelines existed to manage a limited number of specific conditions. The purpose of national standard treatment guidelines...
The Ministry of Health Uganda mission is ''To provide the highest possible level of health services to all people in Uganda through delivery of preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative health services at all levels''. � It��s set up with the mandate of policy formulation and policy dialo...
Reporting rate this week (82.9%) is five percentage points higher to that in the previous week, 2019W24 (77.9%)�There were an increase in malaria morbidity this week. About 27,000 more malaria cases occurred this week (268,567) compared to 241,802 the previous week. About 8.6% (11/128) of districts...
We are pleased to share our 44th weekly epidemiological bulletin for the year 2020. This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and respond...
The multiple challenges facing the health sector in Uganda, as in many other developing countries, need a well defined course of action to address them at the different levels of the National Health System. The plans that evolve to address these health problems should have clearly set objectives tha...