This Review addresses a mismatch between what is known about how to respond to particular health problems in poor economies and what is actually done about them. It focuses on one cause of the problems that ensue from the mismatch - capacity constraints. Weak capacity at a number of levels in the in...
Suspected pediatric clinical cases compatible with a multi-system inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 have been reported in children and adolescents in Europe and North America. Based on initial laboratory findings, this syndrome is likely related to COVID-19. The syndrome has features wh...
Response: The MoH continues to conduct active case search and risk communication in the affected region.
Le CERMEL, ayant été désigné pour assurer la gestion de la subvention Tuberculose du Fonds Mondial au Gabon en 2018, met en place une unité de gestion pour laquelle divers postes sont à...
It is believed that fruit bats are the natural hosts of the Ebola virus Introduced into the human population through close contact with infected animals. Introduction to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) presentation is part of the EVD IPC training material for HC IIs and Pharmacies.
Because it is committed to a fair, safe and compassionate workplace, the UN system wants us to be fully informed about issues that can affect the workplace, including HIV and AIDS. Our right to understand UN-system policies on HIV and AIDS extends to all employees, including those who are and are no...
Access to safe surgery is critical to health, welfare, and economic development. In 2015, the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery recommended that all countries collect surgical indicators to lend insight into improving surgical care. No nationwide high-quality data exist for these metrics in Uganda...
This interagency handbook was developed by the Roll Back Malaria(RBM) Technical Support Network on Complex Emergencies. It focuses on effective malaria control responses to complex emergencies, particularlyduring the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. It...
The Health Sector Ministerial Policy Statement� (MPS) for FY 2020/21) has been developed through a consultative process involving the Central Government Ministries Health Sector Development Partners and the Sector Budget Working Group. The Ministry has aligned the sector outcomes for FY 2020/21 to t...
Globally, 360 million people (about 5% of the world��s population) live with disabling hearing loss, of whom 32 million are children. The prevalence of hearing loss increases from 1.7% among children to 7% in adults (including 183 million males and 145 million females).1 Nearly 180 million people ag...
The Ministry of Health (MoH) Strategic Plan builds on the Human Capital Development Component of the National�Development Plan III and lays a foundation for movement towards Universal Health Coverage.�This plan provides strategic directions to the MoH Headquarters over the five-year period and�is un...
Community-based village health teams (VHTs) have long been an important component of the Uganda Ministry of Health��s (MoH) strategies to improve access to medicines and health supplies in households facing geographic, logistic, financial, cultural, and other constraints to using and reaching formal...
As of 9 a.m. East African Time (EAT) 14 September 2021, a total of 8,052,110 COVID-19 cases and 204,025 deaths (CFR: 2.5%) have been reported in 55 African Union (AU) Member States. This represents 3.6% of all cases and 4.4% of all deaths reported globally. Twenty-three (42%) AU Member States are re...
The purpose of this document is to outline a concise, step-by-step process for developing a scaling up strategy. The rationale behind such an undertaking is twofold. First, strategic planning for the expansion and institutionalization of successfully tested health systems innovations is essential, b...
According to the Health Sector Development Plan 2015/16-2019/20, the trend of family planning services in Uganda is improving. However, although the adolescent fertility rate, the unmet need for family planning, and the contraceptive prevalence rate are all rising, the rate at which these improvemen...
Uganda Human Development Report 2007, is the seventh in a series on the country. The report looks at issues that profoundly influence the level and status of human development.The report is the outcome of a wide participatory and consultative process that involved government ministries, Uganda Burea...
This document is a statistical report highlighting the performance of the key nutrition program indicators for the month of April 2023.
The document titled Outbreak Brief 56: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 75: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis. This issue, we showcas...