Eritrea is the only AU MS yet to start COVID-19 vaccination roll out. For Epi week 8 (20 – 26 February 2023), 2,311 new COVID-19 cases were reported, which is a 40% decrease in the number of new cases reported compared to the previous week (7). The Southern region accounted for 75% of the new COVID-...
Africa CDC becomes an autonomous agency of the African UnionAt the 35th ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Africa CDC was granted full licence to operate as an autonomous agency of the African Union. This historic appr...
About the Project In 2023, 166 outbreaks and public health events were reported in Africa. This calls for a resilient laboratory systems for timely detection and reporting of current and future outbreaks. This project aims to scale up molecular diagnostic and genomic sequencing-based detection and c...
This policy replaces the 2003 document, uganda national policy guidelines for HIV voluntary counselling and testing. The revision was promted by scientific and programmatic advances in HIv counselling and as well advances in prevention.
Global targets for reducing the epidemiological burden of tuberculosis (TB) - measured as incidence, prevalence and mortality - have been set for 2015 within the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and by the Stop TB Partnership. The targets are that the TB incidence rate should be fa...
This guideline is intended to provide the criteria for designation, upgrading, and establishment of health facilities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of subsequent infrastructure investments toward improved service delivery. it should be adhered to whenever stakeholders wish to establish...
This STARS in Uganda report, presents a comprehensive analysis and report on the national assessment of the rehabilitation and assistive technologies system in Uganda that was guided by the WHO Systematic Assessment of Rehabilitation Situation (STARS) approach.
The review for the health sector performance for the first and second quarters (July to December 2011/12 Financial Year) was conducted from 6th to 8th January 2012 in a workshop held at Imperial Royal Hotel, Kampala
A clear understanding of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of a particular community can inform the design of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) campaigns to influence acceptance and use of any malaria control measures. Research to clearly determine what interventions to carry out has not bee...
There was an increase in the reported malaria cases from 99,000 in 2018 W2 as compared to 128,312 in 2019 W2. Adjumani & Moyo Districts with confirmed incidence rates ��20 cas-es/1,000 population topped 9 other districts with incidence >10 cas-es/1,000. In 23% (29/128) of districts at least 50% of p...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) & injuries and mental health conditions constitute a serious impediment to achieving the vision of Agenda 2063 to build an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa driven by its own citizens. Each year, these conditions cause millions of premature deaths and disab...
Suspected pediatric clinical cases compatible with a multi-system inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 have been reported in children and adolescents in Europe and North America. Based on initial laboratory findings, this syndrome is likely related to COVID-19. The syndrome has features wh...
The World Health Report 2004 shows how projects like this can bring the medical treatment that saved Joseph Jeune to millions of other people in poor and middle-income countries and how, crucially, such efforts can drive improvements in health systems. Effectively tackling HIV/AIDS is the world��s m...
In summary, these recommendations are a response to the unquestionable dangers of exposure to SHS, as well as to the opportunity to assist the WHO FCTC implementation process and provide guidance to the growing number of jurisdictions interested in becoming smoke-free.
This is the fourth report of the WHO/IUATLD Global Project on Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance. The three previous reports were published in 1997, 2000 and 2004 and included data from 35, 58 and 77 countries, respectively. This report includes drug susceptibility test (DST) results fro...
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:�Educate households and communities about the benefits of home-based HCT.�Conduct pre-test counseling sessions with individuals, couples and children in the home.�Conduct a rapid HIV test using the finger-stick method.�Provide HIV test results...
With its population expected to double to 2.5 billion people by 2050, Africa has been disproportionally affected by the impacts of climate change. Africa contributes only 4% of the global carbon emissions; however, 7 out of the 10 countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change globally a...
WHO has developed this manual in order to strengthen the laboratory diagnosis and virological surveillance of influenza infection by providing standard methods for the collection, detection, isolation and characterization of viruses.
In June 2010, the Ugandan Ministry of Health (MOH) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Securing Ugandans�� Right to Essential Medicines (SURE) Program, collected data for the 2010 Pharmaceutical Sector Report. This report presents the findings of t...
This was the first participatory review of public policies. It took place at Office of the President Cabinet Library on 16th April, 2019. The purpose of the participatory review was to assess effectiveness and relevance of the National Land Policy, National Health Policy and National Trade Policy. T...