Reporting rate this week was 77% which is low compared to the previous week (78.5% ) There were over 967 more malaria cases this week (189,661)com-pared to the previous week(188,694).This week,33 malaria deaths were reported. This is low compared to the previous week (43 malaria death). Hoima ,Nebbi...
The revised HTS policy and Implementation guidelines replace the 2010 Uganda HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) Policy and National Implementation guidelines for HCT, 2010. It is informed by new evidence generated from implementation of HTS at international, regional and national levels as well as le...
A drug and therapeutics committee (DTC) provides such a forum, allowing all the relevant people to work together to improve health care delivery, whether in hospitals or other health facilities. In many developed countries a well functioning DTC has been shown to be very effective in addressing drug...
This brief provides an overview of; OPD attendance, notifiable diseases, other diseases of public health interest and causes of death.
The proportion of health facilities that reported was 81.4% reflecting a 7.8% increase in reporting rate in comparison to the same week in 2016. Only 15.5% (18/116) districts had 100% of their health facilities reporting and 60.3% (70/116) of the districts achieved the national target of 80%. Only o...
The Uganda Weekly Malaria status update is produced by National Malaria Control Program, WHO Country Office and Uganda Malaria Surveillance Project on a weekly basis to guide planning. This Status update uses weekly surveillance data
Integrated Human Resources Information System (iHRIS) is a management tool that enables an organization to design and manage a comprehensive human resources strategy. iHRIS has five core modules: iHRIS Qualify for health workforce registration and licensing, iHRIS Manage for human resource managemen...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 53: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
This year��s report looks at the areas where action is needed most. For example, one in eight people worldwide remain hungry. Too many women die in childbirth when we have the means to save them. More than 2.5 billion people lack improved sanitation facilities, of which one billion continue to pract...
The TWOS report for the period August- September 2019, summarizes facility reporting rates, timeliness of submission, patient numbers, estimates of stock status and central warehouse order fulfilment rates. It provides recommendations and actions to be taken by various stakeholders to mitigate suppl...
At 78%, vaccine acceptance was higher than in the previous PERC survey fielded earlier this year (67%), which may indicate the success of risk communication campaigns. In five surveyed countries—Guinea, Morocco, Mozambique, Tunisia and Zimbabwe—acceptance was 90% or higher. Vaccine acceptance was hi...
The Government of Uganda (GOU) is implementing Result Oriented Management (ROM) across the public service as a means of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Ugandan Public Service. ROM is an approach to management, which seeks to make the best use of resources available by setting clea...
The 2018 World Disasters Report asks challenging questions of affected states, admittedly overburdened donors, and local and international humanitarian organizations. It includes a strong call for more, for better and for more equitable, funding and action to meet the rising needs. It also calls for...
IMAI/IMCI (Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness/Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) is a multi-departmental project in WHO producing guidelines and training materials for first-level facility health workers in low-resource settings. IMAI/IMCI are part of the WHO model essent...
The way of carrying out business in the world today is changing at a very high speed with new technologies taking a center stage. Both government and the private sector have no alternative other than to move in that direction and adopt the emerging new technologies to modernize their service deliver...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 63: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
This year��s global TB report reveals that countries are making progress. About 7 million people were reported to have been reached with quality TB care in 2018, up from 6.4 million in 2017. In addition, TB-related deaths dropped from 1.6 million in 2017 to 1.5 million in 2018. However, TB remains t...
The Government of Uganda is committed to facilitating the attainment of a good standard of health for all the people in Uganda. The goal of the Health Sector is therefore to reduce morbidity and mortality as a contribution to poverty reduction as well as economic and social development of the people...
In 2001, Ministry of Health established the Village Health Teams (VHT) strategy as an innovative approach to empower communities to participate in improving their own health as well as strengthen the delivery of health services at both the community and house hold levels. Despite implementing this s...
Ten years ago, the Credit Suisse Research Institute launched the first Global wealth report providing the most comprehensive and up-todate survey of household wealth. Since then the Global wealth report has become the standard reference point to monitor wealth growth across countries and the extent...