Treatment aims to cure disease, prolong life, and improve the quality of remaining life after the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed by the appropriate available procedures. The most effective and efficient treatment is linked to early detection programmes and follows evidence-based standards of care....
The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) developed its first Strategic Plan for Statistics (SPS I) in 2006 to cover the period 2006/07 - 2011/12 while the second one (USP II) was developed in 2012 to cover the period 2013/14 - 2017/18. The UBOS SPS II constitutes one of the building blocks of Uganda��...
In view of the infrastructural and resource gaps, technology should be considered for remote management of healthcare deliver to patients during this period. As it is abundantly clear, even countries with more advanced healthcare infrastructure and resources have struggled to treat COVID-19 and non-...
The Apapai Health Centre IV laboratory in Serere district, Eastern Uganda, is busy today with ten patients waiting to have their lab tests taken. The laboratory technician, Samuel Oule, is confident that he has enough of the right laboratory supplies to run tests for all the patients he will see tod...
This interagency handbook was developed by the Roll Back Malaria(RBM) Technical Support Network on Complex Emergencies. It focuses on effective malaria control responses to complex emergencies, particularlyduring the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. It...
This report summarises the findings of the 1995 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) conducted by the Statistics Department in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. Macro International Inc. provided technical assistance. Funding was provided by the U.S. Agency for International Devel...
Malaria continues to be the most frequent cause of ill health in Uganda. The greatest toll hits young children and pregnant women. Malaria impacts negatively on the household, community incomes and the national economy, thus keeping the rural communities trapped in perpetual poverty.
This weekly report is a national representation of malaria indicators for the period of 20th November to 26th November 2023.
In January 2017, the Executive Board at its 140th session adopted resolution EB140.R6, in which it recommended to the Seventieth World Health Assembly the adoption of the scale of assessments for the financial period 2018��2019 set out in that resolution.
Chronic Diseases in Canada (CDIC) is a quarterly scientific journal focussing on current evidence relevant to the control and prevention of chronic (i.e. non-communicable) diseases and injuries in Canada. Since 1980 the journal has published a unique blend of peer-reviewed feature articles by autho...
This Plan describes the M&E framework, indicators, processes, sources of data, methods and tools that the sector will use to collect, compile, report and use data, and provide feedback as part of the national Health Sector M&E mechanisms. It is intended to document what needs to be monitored, with w...
A drug and therapeutics committee (DTC) provides such a forum, allowing all the relevant people to work together to improve health care delivery, whether in hospitals or other health facilities. In many developed countries a well functioning DTC has been shown to be very effective in addressing drug...
From their beginning, robots were intended to replace humans in the workplace. In fact, Karel Cˇapek, the Czech writer who invented the word robot in 1920, used the Slavic-language word for work, robota, to make it clear what these machines would be used for. Over the last century, machines have rep...
Routine Management of Third Stage of labor
This guide presents the Workload Indictors of Staffing Need (WISN) methodology as an analytic planning and management tool for the management of human resources for health in Uganda.
Uganda is faced with frequent outbreaks of emerging diseases and high burden of other endemic conditions, including cholera, all of which require dedicated resources for their prevention and control.
This United Nations Development Assistance Framework for 2016-2020 is a result of a highly consultative process under the high-level modality for engagement between the Government of Uganda and the United Nations Country Team which deliberated and approved the Results Framework that underpins the UN...
L’évaluation externe conjointe de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) menée entre 2016 et 2019, l’Indice de sécurité sanitaire mondiale (GHSI) et les consultations régionales coordonnées par les Centres africains de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC Afrique), une institution techniqu...
Regional Referral Hospitals fall under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Health. They specialized clinical services such as medicine, surgery, paediatric, and obstetrics and gynaecology. In addition, they psychiatry; ear, nose, and throat; ophthalmology, and clinical support services (labor...
This report is on monitoring and evaluation of implementation of two Cabinet Directives under: Minute 317 (CT 2013) 3(1). The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries was directed to urgently issue an order prohibiting vending of loose milk in the country; and Minute 317 (CT 2013) 3(2)...