The thirty-seventh meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) took place in Geneva, Switzerland from 16 to 20 November 2015. Mr Cornelis de Joncheere, Director, WHO Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products (EMP), opened the meeting. He welcomed all participants on beh...
The document titled Finding the Balance: Public Health and Social Measures in Morocco offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern...
The Government of Uganda has identified HIV prevention as a priority in the National Development Plan (2010-15) and set a 40 percent target to reduce new HIV infections by 2015. Although HIV prevalence during the past decade has been stable around 6-7 percent among adults, the number of new HIV infe...
This document was prepared by the WHO Mental Health Atlas team aiming to support the process of data collection and processing.
Uganda is faced with frequent outbreaks of emerging diseases and high burden of other endemic conditions, including cholera, all of which require dedicated resources for their prevention and control. However, like many developing countries, Uganda is resource constrained, has an inadequate health de...
Such a world-wide goal is very worthy. But in some ways it is dangerous. For there is a risk of trying to reach that goal in ways that become so standardized, so impersonal, so controlled by those in power, that many of the human qualities essential to health��and to health care�� are lost. There is...
Facility reporting rates are calculated based on the total number of active ART facilities as of 1st October 2019. An ART facility is considered active if it submitted at least one order and or report in the last twelve months. The reporting rates for this cycle were 99% for PNFP facilities, 90% for...
The document titled Public health emergencies in war and armed conflicts in Africa: What is expected from the global health community? offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenge...
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic provides comparable data to enable analysis of progress towards protecting the world��s people from what is now globally the biggest single preventable cause of death. As this latest edition shows, there is much to applaud. Already 5 billion people are now c...
This study follows on from the 2002 study entitled WTO Agreements and Public Health: A Joint Study by the WHO and the WTO Secretariat. This earlier study examined the linkages between trade and health policies in general to enable trade officials and health officials to better understand and monitor...
This form should be completed for all health workers who have been exposed to a patient with Ebola, their body fluids, or�objects contaminated with body fluids. The form aids in the risk assessment for health workers (HW��s) after exposure to�determine the risk categorization of each HW and inform t...
The Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security (GPRHCS) is a unique and effective mechanism for delivering results in developing countries. This UNFPA thematic fund has a focused mission to ensure a secure, steady and reliable supply of quality reproductive health commoditie...
With more than 56% of the population below 18 years of age, and over 78% under the age of 35, Uganda��s vision of becoming a middle-income country by 2040 remains highly contingent on the Government��s ability to safeguard its children��s right to contribute to national development.
The Global Health Security (GHS) Index is the first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across the 195 countries that make up the States Parties to the International Health Regulations (IHR [2005]).
National quantification of EMHLS is an annual exercise conducted by NMS under the direct supervision of MoH, and the exercise is intended to provide all public sector players/stakeholder in the health sector with feedback about facility needs in accordance with the NMS Act Cap 207 that states in par...
This Health Facility Master List is a complete listing of both public and private health facilities in the country. There are 6,937 health facilities and each are established under unique administrative units i.e. Region, district, health sub-district, sub-county etc. The need to uniquely identify...
This manual is intended to help health professionals and public health coordinators working in emergency situations prevent, detect and control the major communicable diseases encountered by affected populations. Emergencies include complex emergencies and natural disasters (e.g. floods and earthqua...
This publication is about the pension of various civil servants is to be handled.
The document titled Guidance on Environmental decontamination offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa...
The World Health Organization (WHO) first published guidance for national tuberculosis control programmes on managing tuberculosis in children (hereafter called ��the Guidance��) in 2006. The Guidance follows the principles of a public health approach aimed at optimizing outcomes, including the qual...