The Africa CDC’s Health Economics Programme (HEP) has been established to support Member States – and our internal offices – navigate difficult decisions by equipping them with strong health economics evidence. The HEP will also mobilize the broader health economics community to strengthen continent...
The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared to guide COVID-19 outbreak response activities. This ESMF outlines the framework and mechanisms for environmental and social impact screening, determining extent of required environmental assessment and assessment of environm...
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to mainstreaming, establishing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating partnerships between the Government of Uganda and the private health sector within existing laws, policies and plans. This document is a means to achieving the br...
The MoH is implementing the Mass Action Against Malaria (MAAM) operational guidelines through a multi-sectoral approach involving all relevant actors. The Multi-sectoral approach includes; MDAs, LGs, Development Cooperation Agencies, NGOs, CSOs, and the private sector.
Government of Uganda (GoU) with financing support from of World Bank (The Bank) plans to improve reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health from implementation of the Uganda Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Improvement Project (RMNCAH Project). The Project Development Object...
This Report concludes that Global Value Chains (GVC)� can continue to boost growth, create better jobs, and reduce poverty, provided that developing countries undertake deeper reforms and industrial countries pursue open, predictable policies. Technological change is likely to be more of a boon than...
The document titled COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (8 June 2022) offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northe...
This ESMF outlines the framework and mechanisms for environmental and social impact screening, determining extent of required environmental assessment and assessment of environmental and social impacts arising from proposed project implementation, and gives generic guidance on appropriate mitigation...
To ensure that the right provider is in the right place with the right skills, countries require current, accurate data on human resources (HR). A strong human resources information system (HRIS) enables leaders to quickly answer the key policy and management questions affecting service delivery. Th...
The Ministry of Health (MoH) with support from Implementing Partners (IPs) across the country has been able to train key personnel from 112 districts in iHRIS - a web based electronic system. The trainees included people from the Ministry of Health Headquarters, District CAOs, HR officers, Biostatis...
As of 9 am East African Time (EAT) 5 January 2021, a total of 2,852,491 COVID-19 cases and 67,943 deaths (CFR: 2.4%) have been reported in 55 African Union (AU) Member States. This is 3.4% of all cases reported globally. The majority (84%) of Member States continue to report community transmission....
Antiretroviral medicines Public sector: NMS is well stocked with ARV medicines above 3 MOS except EFV 600mg, ATV/r 300/100mg and LPV/r 100/25mg with less than 3 MOS. Stock is available in country for TDF/3TC/EFV 300/300/600mg (3.5 MOS), TDF/3TC/DTG 300/300/50mg (3.1 MOS), DTG 50mg (4.2 MOS), ABC/3TC...
Management of Pre- Eclampsia /Eclampsia and Other Hypertensive Diseases
The document titled Outbreak Brief 77: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
MPDSR emphasizes continuous�identification and reporting of maternal�and perinatal deaths including zero�for none registered and utilising�that information to facilitate Quality�Improvement (QI) processes. The national�MPDSR annual report FY 2022/23 is a result�of concerted efforts of health workers...
As the Covid-19 pandemic got under way, the world�had been reaching unprecedented heights on the�Human Development Index (HDI). People were, on�average, living healthier, wealthier and better lives�for longer than ever. But under the surface a growing�sense of insecurity had been taking root. An est...
Unsafe use of injections contributes to the spread of diseases, including EVD.�Injection Safety in the context of an EVD outbreak presentation is part of the EVD IPC training material for HC IIs and pharmacies.
This book has been a cooperative effort. Many persons have contributed in different ways. Some have helped to write or rewrite different sections; some have criticized early drafts; some have used it in their programs and sent us feedback; some have sent original ideas or technologies that we have t...
This is a Human Resources for Health Report which is an analysis of the data provided by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uganda with funding and technical support from the USAID funded Uganda Capacity program (UCP) covering the period April to September 2012. The Ministry of Health recogni...
This brief provides an overview of; OPD attendance, notifiable diseases, other diseases of public health interest �and causes of death.