This Agenda for Global Action will guide the initial steps in a coordinated global, regional and national response to the worldwide shortage and mal-distribution of health workers, moving towards universal access to quality health care and improved health outcomes. It is meant to unite and intensify...
Government exists to deliver quality and equitable services amidst increasing public expectations and growing fiscal pressures. One of the key aspects for the delivery of services is effective communication. The Forum of Directors, Commissioners and Under Secretaries observed that there was ineffect...
The development of this National Medicines Policy (NMP) 2015 has been informed by the second National Health Policy (NHP) 2010, the Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) 2015- 2020, the current state of the pharmaceutical sector and global health
In this document, medical providers and practices are generally described as traditional, complementary/alternative, or allopathic. ��Provider�� and ��practitioner�� are used interchangeably. In a few cases, particularly in the European section, the cumbersome term ��non-allopathic physician�� is us...
The 2019 Human Development Report is the latest in the series of global Human Development Reports published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 1990 as independent, analytically and empirically grounded discussions of major development issues, trends and policies.
Uganda has over the last three decades undertaken several administrative reforms in the public sector, designed mainly to improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. In the area of performance management, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to establish an effective performanc...
Geographic Focus: Reports could either focus on events affecting single country or multiple countries.Inclusion criteria: While Africa CDC continues to track all public health events on the continent, this report highlights only moderate to very high-risk events (with new updates in the reporting we...
It is believed that fruit bats are the natural hosts of the Ebola virus Introduced into the human population through close contact with infected animals. Introduction to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) presentation is part of the EVD IPC training material for HC IIs and Pharmacies.
An Act to provide for compensation to workers for injuries suffered and scheduled diseases incurred in the course of their employment.
This brief provides an overview of; OPD attendance, notifiable diseases, other diseases of public health interest �and causes of death.
Uganda has a mature generalised HIV epidemic with prevalence exceeding 6% and an estimated one million people living with HIV1. Sub-national longitudinal studies2 and indirect estimates3 indicate a rising rate of new infections with HIV incidence ranging from 0.2-2.0% in different regions of the cou...
Development of the gender statistics profiles is anchored in the Beijing Platform for Action, which underscores the need for gender analysis as one of the critical starting point for gender mainstreaming. The main objectives of compiling the gender statistics profile were to establish the level of...
The document titled Strengthening and Establishing National Public Health Institutes as Part of a Network of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention offers a comprehensive insight into Administration, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health ch...
In Uganda, land continues to be a critical factor, as it is the most essential pillar of human existence and national development. Uganda has never had a clearly defined and / or consolidated National Land Policy since the advent of colonialism in the nineteenth century. This National Land Policy, t...
Treatment aims to cure disease, prolong life, and improve the quality of remaining life after the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed by the appropriate available procedures. The most effective and efficient treatment is linked to early detection programmes and follows evidence-based standards of care....
The document titled Establishing the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention: the upside of a crisis offers a comprehensive insight into Other, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Afri...
From their beginning, robots were intended to replace humans in the workplace. In fact, Karel Cˇapek, the Czech writer who invented the word robot in 1920, used the Slavic-language word for work, robota, to make it clear what these machines would be used for. Over the last century, machines have rep...
The document titled COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 17 March 2020) offers a comprehensive insight into Other, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa, W...
Human health is profoundly affected by weather and climate. Extreme weather events kill tens of thousands of people every year and undermine the physical and psychological health of millions. Droughts directly affect nutrition and the incidence of diseases associated with malnutrition. Floods and cy...
The IPC Ring Approach Checklist presentation is an EVD IPC training material for HC II and pharmacies on how to rapidly mobilize teams to assist affected health facilities and the community in implementing IPC measures to�reduce Ebola transmission in a predetermined risk� area whenever a case is ide...