The National Immunisation Strategy (NIS) replaces the comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP) as a country-specific guiding tool for the planning, coordination and implementation of immunisation activities. The strategy clearly defines what is to be achieved in the next five years, in terms of the anti...
This publication is about the malaria case statistics of Uganda in the 13th week of 2018.
As of 24 March 2020, 1,988 total COVID-19 cases and 58 (CFR 3%) deaths have been reported in 43 African countries. Africa CDC is working with all affected countries and is mobilizing laboratory, surveillance, and other response support where requested. See Table 1 for the full list of countries in...
Child survival, which refers to the survival of children aged 0 to 5 years, is a major public health concern in Uganda. Though the past 20 years have witnessed improvements in child survival in Uganda, about 200,000 children under the age of 5 years still die annually, mainly during the first year (...
In September, 2020, in an important phase of the African continental response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Africa CDC began operationalising the institutional mechanisms to address the growing threat of NCDs, injuries, and mental health disorders. The development of a strategy to support health systems...
Uganda has over the last three decades undertaken several administrative reforms in the public sector, designed mainly to improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. In the area of performance management, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to establish an effective performanc...
Part One begins, in Chapter 1, by reviewing the dramatic decline in mortality in the 20th century. Income growth and improved educational levels - and consequent improvements in food intake and sanitation - have accounted for part of the mortality decline; but access to new knowledge, drugs and vacc...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 54: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
This document has been produced in order to help those working with men, specifically in the field of HIV prevention as well as more broadly in the areas of improved sexual and reproductive health.
The document titled African Antibiotic Treatment Guidelines for Common Bacterial Infections and Syndromes – Recommended Antibiotic Treatments in Adult Patients offers a comprehensive insight into Antimicrobial Resistance Control, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses cri...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 92: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern A...
This ministerial statement is about the vote functions of ministry of health. A vote function is a set of programmes, projects and local government grants, defining the roles and responsibilities of a vote / institution and contributing towards the attainment of vote and overoll objectives.
Community-based village health teams (VHTs) have long been an important component of the Uganda Ministry of Health��s (MoH) strategies to improve access to medicines and health supplies in households facing geographic, logistic, financial, cultural, and other constraints to using and reaching formal...
Reporting rate this week (75.7%) is a drop from the previous week, 2019W4 (83.9%). There was a 9% drop in reported malaria cases (105,566 this week vs. 116,330 in W4) There was marginal drop in confirmed malaria incidence. Only Adjumani & Moyo Districts reported incidence rates >10 cases/1,000 popul...
This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis. This issue, we showcas...
The purpose of this manual is to train all levels of health workers (e.g. clinical, dispensing, nursing, laboratory and records) on all aspects of malaria case management and the integrated management of malaria. Sessions which have job aids should be taught with the accompanying job aid (specifical...
As of 9 am East African Time (EAT) 29 September 2020, a total of 1,465,023 COVID-19 cases and 35,750 deaths (CFR: 2.4%) have been reported in 55 African Union Member State Countries. This is 4% of all cases reported globally. Since the last brief, 52,713 new COVID-19 cases have been reported, which...
This epidemiological bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at district, national, and global levels on disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in the country on a weekly basis. In this issue, we brin...
The document titled Policy Paper: Research and Development Priorities for COVID-19 in Africa offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, N...
All members of the Policy Updating Group were asked to complete a World Health Organization (WHO) Declaration of interests for WHO consultants form. Five members of the group declared a conflict of interest. Constance Benson declared consulting, scientific and technical advisory work on antiretrovir...