Despite major strides to improve the health of the population in the last 10 - 15 years, the health status of Ugandans remains relatively poor with high morbidity and mortality from preventable causes. The National Population and Housing Census 2014 show a life expectancy of 63.3 years and under fiv...
The Statistical Abstract is an annual publication compiled by Uganda Bureau of Statistics, which provides the statistical summary on various socio-economic indicators for Uganda. Some figures in this edition may vary from those in the earlier editions due to the updates. Note that most of the 2013 a...
Guidance on PMTCT is provided regularly to countries by WHO.�Uganda launched the first PMTCT policy guidelines in 2002,following lessons learnt from the PMTCT pilot in 2000.�Main drug was sd NVP tab for mother in labour and baby within 72 hours after delivery,�AZT from 36 weeks of gestation, in labo...
The implementation of HRIS in countries with no approved policies geared towards supporting its use and management has several challenges, but that should not over rid and prevent its implementation due to its advantages. In this paper we present the HRIS implementation process (strategies, approach...
The SARA-hospital/HC IV census survey was a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Health, African Development Bank, and the World Health Organization. It was undertaken to provide information on availability of services and ability of hospitals and level IV primary care facilities to provide...
The document titled Outbreak Brief 109: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern...
Conventional light microscopy of Ziehl-Neelsen-stained smears prepared directly from sputum specimens is the most widely available test for diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in resource-limited settings. Ziehl-Neelsen microscopy is highly specific, but its sensitivity is variable (20-80%) and is signif...
In June 2010, the Ugandan Ministry of Health (MOH) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Securing Ugandans�� Right to Essential Medicines (SURE) Program, collected data for the 2010 Pharmaceutical Sector Report. This report presents the findings of t...
Reporting rate this week (85,4%) represents an almost 20% improvement in reporting rate from the pre-vious week, 2019W12 (65.9%) There were almost 20,000 malaria cases more this week (117,040) ) compared to 97,077 reported the previous week. While there may be a real increase in the number of malari...
HIV Counseling Supervision is a crucial component of any HIV/AIDS counseling or care and support service. It provides a way to support counselors and to address clients�� needs while at the same time upholding the professional practice of counseling around the globe. Supervision is an excellent oppo...
This report highlights the performance by regions and districts in key indicators and key activities�implemented in the financial year and prioritized activities for the financial year 2021/2022.
This is the 13th issue of the Uganda Ma-laria Quarterly Bulletin that focuses on the first quarter of 2016. The aim of this bulletin is to inform district, national, and global stake-holders on progress achieved and challenges encountered in malaria control in Uganda. Most importantly, it is to enco...
The document titled COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (28 September 2021) offers a comprehensive insight into Emergency Response and Preparedness, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa,...
In Week 41 of 2016, the proportion of health facilities that submitted a report this week was 85.9% which represents a 40.8% increase in reporting rate in comparison to the same week in 2015. Since week 1 of 2016, there has been a sustained national reporting rate of 80% and above. Only 23.3% (27/11...
The core list presents a list of minimum medicine needs for a basic health��care system, listing the most efficacious, safe and cost��effective medicines for priority conditions. Priority conditions are selected on the basis of current and estimated future public health relevance, and potential for...
This publication is about the pension of various civil servants is to be handled.
The three strategic priorities of WHO stated in its Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019-2023 are to advance universal health coverage, address health emergencies and promote healthier populations (1). The WHO Model List of Essential Medicines contains the medications considered to be the most...
The M&E Plan will be a key performance management tool for the NSP; it details how data will be aggregated from M&E systems of key sectors and provided to enable reporting against the NDP as well as global targets. Performance monitoring of the NSP is an on-going process that allows decision-makers...
This document provides a high-level mapping of outbreak stages with guidance on how to time the minimum uptake of different interventions that have been recommended by Africa CDC, driven by evidence and science.
Voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) is the process by which an individual undergoes counselling, enabling him or her to make an informed choice about being tested for HIV1. In recent years, voluntary HIV testing, in combination with pre- and post-test counselling, has