Identifying issues and problems in the occupational health of women remains a challenge. Much of women's work remains unrecognised, uncounted and unpaid: work in the home, in agriculture, food production and the marketing of home-made products, for example. Within the paid labour force, women are di...
In recent years, visibility and political support for malaria has continued to increase dramatically. This policy brief is a summary of WHO��s recommended technical strategies to combat the disease. Its purpose is to present, in one concise document, a summary of WHO guidance that will assist countr...
The goal of the strategy is to establish and strengthen the community health system as part of the larger national health system, in order to bring services closer to the community and ensure equitable distribution of community and household-centred health care services. The general objective is to...
Tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy continue to threaten public health in Uganda. The Ugandan Ministry of Health addresses TB and leprosy response in its Health Sector Development Plan II 2015/2016 - 2019/20. TB is the fifth most common cause of death in Uganda, potentially resulting in adverse socioecono...
In order to develop and share Human Resources for Health Information an idea of developing country observatories came up within WHO system development. One of the outputs of the Observatory is to ensure information sharing on country HRH situations. One way to present HRH information is to develop H...
The content of this logbook predominantly includes practical areas and exposure experiences that cannot be acquired within the training institution��s environment. This logbook will, therefore, be used to record practical experiences, exposures and the assessment there of, while at placement/practi...
The EPI Data Quality Improvement Plan (DQIP) details the processes, tools, and techniques employed to ensure data is accurate, consistent, complete, and up-to-date.�The purposes of a DQIP include serving as a roadmap to data quality improvement, promoting the importance of data quality and integrati...
The Ministry of Health Uganda mission is ''To provide the highest possible level of health services to all people in Uganda through delivery of preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative health services at all levels''. � It��s set up with the mandate of policy formulation and policy dialo...
The initiative supports environment and health actors working together to address issues of common concern. Traditionally, health and environment sectors have acted independently of one another, each in defined domains. While much can and has been achieved, HELI aims to add a further dimension by fo...
This study follows on from the 2002 study entitled WTO Agreements and Public Health: A Joint Study by the WHO and the WTO Secretariat. This earlier study examined the linkages between trade and health policies in general to enable trade officials and health officials to better understand and monitor...
Although General Hospitals, Regional and National Referral Hospitals have continued to make major contributions to essential clinical care in Uganda, numerous reports (including those of the MoH) are awash with the stark reality of lack of drugs, absence of the often inadequate health workers, delay...
This biennial report has been compiled by FAO and WHO for submission to both the Health Assembly and Conference of FAO (at its 40th session). It outlines progress made in the follow-up actions of the Second International Conference on Nutrition over the course of the period 2015��2016, including key...
The annual monitoring focused on four Ministry of Health (Vote 014) projects namely; Uganda Health Systems and Strengthening (UHSSP-Project 1123), Support to Rehabilitation of Mulago Hospital (Project 1243), Rehabilitation and equipping of health facilities in the West (1314) and construction of the...
In 2006, the Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH), in partnership with the Capacity Project, designed a study to help the MOH better understand the specific recruitment and retention factors for health workers in Uganda. The goal of the Uganda Health Worker Retention Study is to provide the Ministry of H...
This Provisional Results Report provides information about the population counts disaggregated by sex down to Subcounty level. When the Data Processing is completed, more comprehensive information about the population and to lower levels will be made available. In addition, more detailed information...
As of today, the following countries have more than 70 per cent of the populations fully vaccinated Mauritius, Seychelles, Rwanda, Comoros, Tanzania, Somalia, Liberia, Cape Verde, Morocco, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, and Sao Tome and Principe.Africa has registered over 12 million COVID-19 cases si...
This publication is about the pension of various civil servants is to be handled.
The Compact for Implementation of the Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) 2015/16 - 2019/20 provides, as part of monitoring and evaluation, for the annual Joint Review Mission (JRM) so as to assess sector performance on the policies, strategies, plans and interventions, and capacity needs in line...
This was the second participatory review of public policies. It took place at the Office of the President Cabinet Library on 18th June; 2019.The purpose of the participatory review was to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the National Environment Management Policy, National Coordination Poli...
The Ministry of Health launched the Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan 2010/11 - 2014/15 which defines the medium term health agenda and operationalize Uganda��s aspirations as outlined in the NDP and the Public Investment Plan (PIP) 2010/11 - 2012/13. The development of M&E Plan for HSSIP...