The revised BFHI Guidance for Operationalising of the MIYCAN Guidelines is aligned to�the global BFHI Implementation Guidance published in 2018 and contributes towards the attainment of the national and global nutrition targets. �It is intended to provide the basis for�the different stakeholders at...
According to the Burden of Disease Study in Uganda (Ministry of Health, 1995), over 75% of the life years lost due to premature death were due to ten preventable diseases. Perinatal and maternal conditions (20.4%), malaria (15.4%), acute lower respiratory tract infections (10.5%), AIDS (9.1%) and di...
The policy provides a simple set of guidelines to enable local level health care managers and providers to make the best decisions they can on what oral health strategies to implement.� It is a flexible decision-making framework that enables health managers to adapt the most effective oral health in...
This policy has been developed to foster the development of IT as an industry as well as spearhead development of IT Enabled Services (ITES).
Human health is profoundly affected by weather and climate. Extreme weather events kill tens of thousands of people every year and undermine the physical and psychological health of millions. Droughts directly affect nutrition and the incidence of diseases associated with malnutrition. Floods and cy...
The functions of the committee shall be to monitor the general administration of the health centre II on behalf of the Local Council and the Ministry of health. this shall be done with the policy and guidelines of the Ministry of Health
This is the second HRH audit report that is intended to provide the Health Sector with up to date information on the current staffing in the public health sector. The available information was compiled between July and December 2010 and indicates that nationally, the proportion of approved positions...
The Annual Health Sector Performance Report highlights progress, challenges, lessons learnt and proposes mechanisms for improvement. The report focuses on the progress in implementation of commitments in the Ministerial Policy Statement, overall sector performance against the targets set for the Fin...
Cancer is a leading cause of death globally. The World Health Organization estimates that 7.6 million people died of cancer in 2005 and 84 million people will die in the next 10 years if action is not taken. More than 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, where resource...
This brief provides an overview of; OPD attendance, notifiable diseases, other diseases of public health interest and causes of death.
Despite a general increase in the resources allocated to the health sector from both Government of Uganda and donor projects over the last 5 years, the percentage of government allocation to health as a proportion of the total Government of Uganda budget has significantly declined from FY 2009/10
Like elsewhere in the world, nurses and midwives form the backbone of the health service delivery, constituting more than 60% of the health care work force in Uganda, (MOH, 2007). The quality and satisfaction with care largely depends on nurses and midwives in the health care system, (World Health A...
The document titled 2019 Novel Coronavirus Poster offers a comprehensive insight into Other, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa, Western Africa, providing valuable guida...
The document titled Tackling the twin threats of pandemics and climate change: an agenda for action offers a comprehensive insight into Other, focusing on key issues related to Technical Guidance. It addresses critical health challenges within Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Northern Africa, Souther...
Nearly half of households are currently food insecure with either borderline or poor Food Consumption Score, mainly due to the lean season that has seen a decline in food stocks at household level and contributed to food price rises (therefore reducing economic ability to purchase food).
This document is the first comprehensive guide to integrating WASH practices into HIV care. It was written in response to requests from countries and programmes for clear instruction on how to develop care programmes at the national level. It contains guidance on implementing priority WASH practices...
This Guide is intended to help those responsible for providing services aimed at reducing the burden posed by cervical cancer for women, communities and health systems. It focuses on the knowledge and skills needed by health care providers, at different levels of care, in order to offer quality serv...
This document offers snapshots of the Madagascar GSF experience in CLTS to a wider audience. Madagascar had all usual national level challenges that generally block or slow down the pace of scaling up of CLTS. How these challenges have been� addressed and transformed into an apparently snowballing s...
This policy has been designed to address gaps in existing legislation and administrative practices with respect to the tracking the performance and evaluation of public policies and investments. The planning, monitoring and evaluation of results is inadequate across the public sector.� Plans are not...