Part One begins, in Chapter 1, by reviewing the dramatic decline in mortality in the 20th century. Income growth and improved educational levels - and consequent improvements in food intake and sanitation - have accounted for part of the mortality decline; but access to new knowledge, drugs and vacc...
In June 2021, the Mastercard Foundation partnered with the Africa CDC to launch the $1.5billion Saving Lives and Livelihoods initiative. Together, we are purchasing COVID-19 vaccines for more than 65 million people, deploying vaccines to millions more across the continent, enabling vaccine manufactu...
This Report is a presentation of proceedings of the 21st meeting of the Policy Analyst Cadre, which brought together Policy Analysts from all Government Ministries and Departments for enhancing capacity of the members of the Policy Analyst cadre in: Analyzing Public Policies; monitoring and Evaluati...
Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) revised the Curriculum for Diploma in Pharmacy as well as the Teacher��s Guide to make it competence based. To further consolidate this interventions, this Field Placement Logbook has been developed to monitor acquisition of competencies during Placement, in l...
A customer/client service charter is a set of standards that an organisation promises to uphold when dealing with customers. A customer/client charter publically sets out a number of minimum standards that citizens/ clients should expect when accessing public services. The clients�� Charters greatly...
The Ministry of Health (MoH) through the Hospital and Lower level Health facilities division developed these guidelines for�decentralisation� of the Uganda Medical Board� in regards to retirement of civil servants on medical grounds.
This booklet provides summary statistics from various statistical publications compiled by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). The statistics give indication of current social and economic trends in the country. Reference should be made to more detailed published
The management of Post Exposure Prophylaxis following occupational and non occupational exposure to HIV have raised in numerous areas of uncertainly for policy makers and health providers.
This report is about the strategies that have been made to ensure that the MDGs have been attained by the year 2015.
This report highlights stock status, real challenges, bottlenecks but also recommends potential solutions to mitigate stock outs and expiries of ARVs & HIV test kits, ACTs, Anti-TB medicines, Reproductive Health items, selected Laboratory commodities,Vaccines and selected medicines for treatment of...
This ministerial statement is about the Vote Functions of ministry of health. A vote function is a set of programmes, projects, and Local Government Grants, defining the roles and responsibilities of a vote/institution, and contributing towards the attainment of vote and overall sector objectives
Maintaining proper storage conditions for health commodities is vital to ensuring their quality. Product expiration dates are based on ideal storage conditions and protecting product quality until their expiration date is important for serving customers and conserving resources.Guidelines for the St...
The 2008 Statistical Abstract is this year��s annual publication from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). It is an important source of social, economic and demographic data/information for the National Statistical System. Each year the Statistical Abstract provides an update on key findings resu...
The content of this logbook predominantly includes practical areas and exposure experiences that cannot be acquired within the training institution��s environment. This logbook will, therefore, be used to record practical experiences, exposures and the assessment there of, while at placement/practi...
This Agenda for Global Action will guide the initial steps in a coordinated global, regional and national response to the worldwide shortage and mal-distribution of health workers, moving towards universal access to quality health care and improved health outcomes. It is meant to unite and intensify...
The diseases afflicting the African population are responsible for a substantial loss in health, estimated at 704 765 879 DALYs in 2015 alone. In the WHO African Region, total losses amounted to 629 603 271 DALYs. Out of that total, 416 671 978 DALYs (59.1 %) were from communicable, maternal, perina...
Until the outbreak of an exotic communicable disease or other dramatic event, the elaborate infrastructures and mechanisms that protect public health on a daily basis often go unnoticed and attract little media1 interest. In the midst of a public health emergency2 the situation becomes very differen...
Uganda has over the last three decades undertaken several administrative reforms in the public sector, designed mainly to improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. In the area of performance management, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to establish an effective performanc...
Nearly half of the households are currently food insecure with either Borderline or Poor Food Consumption Score, mainly due to the lean season that has seen a decline in food stocks at household level and contributed to food price rises (therefore reducing economic ability to purchase food).
This Report concludes that Global Value Chains (GVC)� can continue to boost growth, create better jobs, and reduce poverty, provided that developing countries undertake deeper reforms and industrial countries pursue open, predictable policies. Technological change is likely to be more of a boon than...